How to send Email for Customer's Account Activation in Magento
The settings in Magento are preconfigured in such a way so that when a user creates a new customer account they only have to type their first and last name, they have to provide an email address and a password. But when we have enabled customer manual account activation setting for customers. We have the oppotunity to manually approve the customers and send email to new customers on their account activation.
By default, the verification emails for account activation is not sent to the customers in Magento. This means that it might be a real email address or the customer or a fake customer account belonging to the customer or it can be anything. If you want to be sure that the email account & customer actually exists, you can enable email confirmation. This also offers some protection against spam bots. That makes you sure that your store is safe against spam customers.
Magento 2 Disable Customer Registration Extension lets you confirm the new customer accounts and manually approve customers for your store. Steps to activate manual activation for new customer accounts are as follows :
For enabling Customer Account Manual Activation, Navigate to Medma Disable Customer Registration Extension -> Manual Activation -> Enable.
To receive emails on every new registration, Select Email Admin on New registration -> Enable.
On Manually approving customers Admin can decide whether or not to mail customers on their account activation. For this click Email customer on Account Activation -> Enable/Disable.
One can select their own Email Template in order to send emails to Admin and Customers on Account creation and Account Activation respectively.
Also to enable/disable email confirmation, log in to the admin panel of your Magento and go to System menu ->
Configuration ->
Customer Configuration button in the Customers section on the left ->
Create New Account Options panel on the right ->
Require Emails Confirmation drop-down menu. Set the drop-down menu to Yes to enable email verification and click on the Save Config button in the top right corner.
Once email confirmation is enabled, when a user creates a new account your Magento will automatically send an email to the email address provided by the customer. The email will contain a link. After the customer clicks on the link they will be allowed to log in to their account and use it.
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