Worldpay Payment for Magento 2

Setting up Library path
Creating Registration file
Creating Configuration file
Building Model Files
Command to upgrade the setup
Command to deploy the setup
Clear the cache

Worldpay Payment for Magento 2

Worldpay Payment Extension by Worldpay is a leading provider of electronic payment processing solutions. It operates in many countries and is a major global leader in payment processing. The worldpay extension provides worldpay payment integration which enables payment processing through an existing merchant account. The Magento worldpay payment extension is fully compatible with subscriptions for Magento.

But still there are problems that user's generally experience using this Worldpay Payment Extension. The most common obstacle faced by worldpay users is the difficulty to set library path in worldpay configuration files. When one day we received the same issue for worldpay extension by our client, our team decided to settle this issue permanently. This led the team to work for many hours and finally achieved in resolving this issue for worldpay payment extension.

Our team resolved this issue with the help of this Worldpay blog and wants to share this piece of information with you through this knowledge Base.

The most experienced issue is in determining & setting up the library path, as very few knows how to discover library path for worldpay payment extension.

Listed below are few steps that needs to performed one by one after installing worldpay extension available at link , for fixing issue along with setting up library path.

1. The core requirement for Worldpay extension is to have composer installed on Magento store. If not, then we have to install the composer on our magento store.
2. After detecting composer installed on terminal, this one line code needs to be executed on magento root folder for setting up library path for worldpay payment extension -

composer require worldpay/worldpay-lib-pay

3. Once you installed worldpay on your Magento store and have library path set, you have to run following few code through terminal :

* Creating Registration file :

Run the following registration code through terminal for setting up registration files.


* Creating Configuration file :

After navigating through Worldpay/Payments/etc folder. Copy and Paste the config.xml code on terminal.

Code for Configuration file

* Model Files :

Navigating through /Worldpay/Payments/Model/Methods/ , add WorldpayPayments.php and Card.php files to terminal. Copy and paste the below code on terminal and then run the command.

WorldpayPayments.php file

Card.php file

Last but not the least , in the final step you need to run the following listed commands to run the setup:

Use below Command to Upgrade the setup:

php bin/magento setup: upgrade

Use below Command to Upgrade the setup:

magento setup:static-content:deploy

Clear the cache from below command:

php bin/magento cache: flush

By this Magento Extension can be enabled via Admin Panel. Login to your Magento Admin panel. Go to System - > Configuration. On the left menu scroll down to the sales section, and click Worldpay Payments.

Add your keys, which you can find in your Worldpay dashboard (Settings - > API keys). Change Enabled to yes, set you title and payment descriptions to what you would like the user to see.

Once you have performed all these steps after installing Worldpay payment extension on your Magento store, you would not be facing any issues.

Is worldpay payment method compatible with Magento 2.x version ?

Yes, Worldpay payment extension is compatible with Magento 2.x version. This module payments made via gateway of worldpay can be integrated into your Magento shop.

This extension provides a practical interface between your magento shop and worldpay. Once integrated with your magento store, you can process payments directly from the shop-interface and no longer have to log into the back-end of the worldpay.
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